Veggie Sausage and Sage Stuffing balls

These are the tastiest stuffing balls but I also LOVE them in a sarnie with roasted jackfruit, mayo and cranberry!
Veggie Sausage and Sage Stuffing balls
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Ingredients pt 1
  • 1 packet of GOSH sage and lentil sausages
  • 1 slice of bread made into fresh breadcrumbs
  • 1 medium onions, chopped finely
  • Small bunch of fresh sage chopped
  • pinch of salt
  • 4 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 chia egg ( 2 teaspoons of chia seeds in water)
Method pt 2
  1. Saute the chopped onions in a frying pan with olive oil for a few minutes then. Put in a large bowl
  2. Mix the rest of the ingredients making sure you crumble the GOSH sausages into the mix
  3. Add a little more olive oil and mix really well
  4. Using clean hands shape into balls and place them in a greased dish
  5. Bake at 350F/320F fan/ (180C/160C fan) for 20 minutes
  6. You can freeze these in an airtight container for the big day or I like to enjoy in a sarnie with mayo, cranberry sauce and salad

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