Gosh! Kindness Edit #25

When times get tough, it’s important to remember that there is love and kindness in the world. Here are our favourites from this week. If you’d like to get involved, share your acts of kindness on social media with our hashtag #GoshKindness.

1. Random act of kindness saves a badly-behaved bunny

Aurelia Kelly was not best pleased to find her pet bunny Max had chewed through her brand-new wallpaper at her home in Galgorm. At the despair of finding out it was all sold out online, Auriela posted an SOS on a Facebook page. Just 24 hours later it was met with a response from someone in Blackpool saying they had some of the exact same wallpaper left over from decorating. Before Max the Bunny was in the bad books for too long a full roll of the wallpaper arrived, free of charge and with the postage prepaid. The only payment the kind stranger requested was that Aurelia pass on the good gesture. She did this by paying for a lady’s carpark ticket when she had no change and buying two books for a little girl who had broken her leg. This heartwarming example shows just how easily kindness can be shared!

Read full article here

2. Starbucks customer takes stand for homeless man

Just last week, Sajid Kahloon was having a quiet coffee in Starbucks on Southend High Street when a homeless man came in asking if anyone would be as kind as to buy him some food. Whilst the rest of the café ignored him, Sajid stood up and bought the man a meal. Seconds after the homeless man sat at a table to eat, a Starbucks staff member and security guard told him to leave. Seeing the situation unfold, Sajid confronted the Starbucks staff arguing that technically as a paying customer the man should be allowed to stay and enjoy his food. Sajid was so appalled by the situation that he filmed it and posted the footage online, receiving thousands of comments hailing his stand for justice. Starbucks has since apologized for the ordeal. We love how Sajid showed such kindness when no one else would.

Read full article here

Young girl provides packed lunches for rough sleepers

Seven-year-old Elle Angel has made quite a name for herself around the streets of Southampton, by dedicating her Sundays to making packed lunches for rough sleepers and giving them out around the town. After seeing a homeless man on the street, Elle felt passionate to help and now carries out weekly deliveries with the support of her mum and schoolteacher. As if that wasn’t kind enough already, Elle also writes little messages on the food bags to give the homeless people of Southampton a little something to smile about. We are truly blown away by this act of kindness, Elle has shown such remarkable compassion at such a young age!

Read full article here

We love seeing how kindness spreads, so if you’ve seen an example of kindness you’d like to share with us email us at [email protected]


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