Gosh! Kindness Edit #22

It’s been a busy week for us here at Gosh! HQ, but the days have been kept bright by seeing some of the lovely acts of kindness taking place across the UK. Get involved and share your acts of kindness on social media with #GoshKindness.

Woman turns to Twitter for help with finding work

Nadine, a 22 year-old from Cardiff, took to twitter this week in an effort to find work, and was overwhelmed with the response. Within 12 hours she’d been retweeted thousands of times and been flooded with offers of work, as well as kind strangers offering to send her money for nothing as a good deed.

Biker saves kitten

A video went viral this week of a biker stopping traffic and running into a road to save a tiny ginger kitten. The Frenchman noticed the kitty as he passed and managed to rescue the cute creature from oncoming cars.

Watch video

Anonymous stranger thanked for posting lost wallet

A man from Knutsford wrote to his local paper this week to thank the kind stranger who returned his lost wallet. Ian was shopping for his wife’s birthday present and as he headed to take her out for the evening, realised his belongings had gone. Ian said: “I did allow myself to wonder if some well-intentioned citizen had dropped my wallet through my front door. Equally, I knew that the thought came under the heading of ‘wishful thinking’. Except that it didn’t. Come Sunday morning, that genuine public-spirited person had indeed visited our home and simply dropped the wallet back through my door. Anonymously. Contents intact.

The simple honesty of that lady or gentleman who did the good deed, without thanks, fuss or recognition – has markedly helped to restore the faith that can so easily be lost in today’s changed world.’

We love seeing how kindness spreads, so if you’ve seen an example of kindness you’d like to share with us email us at [email protected].

“Kindness is free to give, but priceless to receive.”

Love it. Share it.
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