Kindness Edit #30 – Christmas Special

It’s the week before Christmas, and here at Gosh! we can’t get enough of the festive cheer. We’ve handpicked some wonderful Christmassy kindness acts to get you feeling festive too! Share your acts of kindness with us on social media with #GoshKindness.

The UK’s Biggest Advent Calendar

Photo Credit: Big Dug

By decorating 24 of its windows and tying an enormous bow around the building, a company in Gloucester have turned their offices into the UK’s largest advent calendar. For every day a window is opened, a staff member carries out a random act of kindness to help someone in the local community. The staff have asked members of the public to nominate their loved ones who truly deserve to receive a Christmassy act of kindness. So far, the company have bought a mum who’s been through chemotherapy a brand-new outfit and sent elf teddies to a hospice for life-threateningly ill children. We are blown away by the kindness this company have shown to those who really deserve it this Christmas.

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Santa’s Secret Kindness Mission

Photo Credit: Katharine Deadman

A mysterious Secret Santa has been spreading the Christmas cheer by leaving presents all around the village of Kegworth, Leicestershire for its residents to find. The only trace of this anonymous Secret Santa has been a note attached to each gift that reads ‘random acts of kindness..enjoy’. One local found a Christmas pudding wrapped up on a bench and another found a box of chocolates whilst on a dog walk. The residents of Kegworth have taken to social media to share their delight at Secret Santa’s visit, in the hopes it inspires others to pass on this gift of kindness.

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Vintage Vibes at Christmas Time

Photo credit: unknown

A local charity based in Edinburgh have set about their annual mission to replace loneliness with companionship this Christmas time. Each year, Vintage Vibes host a Christmas card appeal for volunteers to hand-write a personalised Christmas card to one of the projects ‘VIP’s’, a lonely elderly person living in Edinburgh. But this year this wonderful charity has not stopped there, having also released a chocolate ‘Acts of Kindness Advent Calendar’, filled with examples of kindness acts to carry out, like picking up litter and talking to a neighbour. The Vintage Vibes website was so inundated with kind volunteers wanting to get involved that the website temporarily crashed! Fortunately, it’s now back up and running, so if you’d like to find out more about what this awesome charity do click here.

Read full article here

We love seeing how kindness spreads so if you’ve seen an example of kindness you’d like to share with us email us at [email protected]


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