Veggie Cocktail Sausages


With sage & black pepper

These mini veggie sausages are made from chickpeas, cauliflower & butterbeans with a Cumberland style seasoning. They taste just like the real deal but with a lot less saturated fat!
Our little cocktail sausages are made to taste just like your traditional Cumberland sausage. With a variety of spices and herbs seasoning our little friends, their strongest flavour by far is from the powerhouse of black and white pepper. On top of that is the delightfully subtle parsley and sage, who have the added benefit of giving some colourful flecks to our sausages.

Made with a base of chickpeas, a great source of protein, fibre, iron, and B vitamins, they have a tasty creamy base with a subtle nutty, savoury flavour that goes incredibly with our spice blend. Mixed with legumes to give a firmer and chunkier texture, these sausages match the texture of their well-known Cumberland cousins. Cauliflower tops off our ingredients list, giving that burst of creamy, moist, juiciness that we all love.

They’re also the best veggie sausages for kids, according to Expert Review (check it out)


Chickpeas¹ (37%), Onion, Rapeseed Oil, Cauliflower² (7%), Butter Beans³ (7%), Rice Flour, Potato Flakes, Salt, Parsley, Sage, Thyme, Ground Nutmeg, Ground Coriander, Ground Mace, White Pepper, Black Pepper. (¹ ² ³ Origin: EU and non-EU)

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