Random Acts of Kindness Day

“In a world where you can be anything, be kind”, is a phrase that has resonated with us all this last year during the Covid-19 pandemic. It fills our falafel shaped hearts to hear stories of kindness, so to celebrate random acts of kindness day which took place on Tuesday 17th February, we’ve put together a roundup of all the kind gestures from the team here at Gosh!

If you’re yet to do your act of kindness, then think of this as your kindness ideas inspiration – a little kindness can go a long way and doesn’t just have to be for one day!

Jane, CEO

Our fabulous CEO is an absolute animal lover, so this act of kindness was very fitting as she passed on a copy of the book, The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse – “This is a lovely book that I’ve bought a copy of to pass onto a stranger.

Robin, Health safety and environmental manager

Robin not only did one act of kindness but two! We’re pretty sure he will have done more too as he always cheers up the team – “My random act of kindness was helping a lady to load her bags of clothes into the recycling unit in Lidl’s carpark. My planned act of kindness (daily mindfulness journal task) was to bake a loaf of bread and post it off to a faraway friend”.

Monika, Supply Chain Administrator

We saw a picture of the bread Monika baked so we’re thinking of adding ‘head baker’ into her contract – “My act of kindness was to bake bread for my neighbour as she broke her ankle and is unable to move for six weeks. She cried when I gave it to her! I will bake another one in few days and share it with her”.

Will, Marketing Manager

We weren’t sure if this was for his benefit, however our Marketing Manager hopefully put a smile on his girlfriend’s face – “My act of kindness was to buy a bottle of wine for my girlfriend as I think she’ll want to have a glass or two after a stressful day at work!”

Michelle, Accounts Manager

This one is funny – “I haven’t done any random acts of kindness…unless guarding the toad which was in the middle of the road way, until it had hopped into the bushes ensuring it didn’t get run over counts?”. To clarify, this does count, nature should always be put first.

Sam, Head of Technical

We had to double check this one to make sure she was joking (she was) but thought it would be relatable to all the parents out there – “My random act of kindness was not committing harm to the kids who had clearly had a field day while I was at work today. I calmly went about my way cleaning up the scene of devastation which included two empty four pints of milk containers, a box of empty coco pops, 1 empty loo roll, some washing in the machine which they had forgotten to put on, emptied the overflowing kitchen bin, cleaned away dinner, hoovered, glossed all the kitchen cupboards to remove all the finger marks and was kind to myself with a gin and tonic.”

Olivia, Brand Manager

“My act of kindness was to bake brownie cookies for my work team as they’ve all been working really hard to get food out to the masses!” – I also needed to bribe people to give me content for this blog post.

Dante, Influencer Management

Dante’s act of kindness may be the best so far! – “I have been creating and selling personalised embroidery pieces, and donating proceeds to charity”. These are the ones in the picture so if you’d like one feel free to email [email protected].


Our Clever Marketing Agency

”I’ll be baking some Empire biscuits for my friend”

”I gave away a leather corner sofa and footstool to a stranger who seemed very nice and wanted it desperately.”

”I buy my elderly neighbour’s Saturday paper for him every weekend so he doesn’t have to go out himself to the shop.”

”I made a ‘friendlough’ payment/ gift of £100 to my cleaner who I haven’t seen since Christmas.  Not her fault that she can’t come to the house.”

”I’m going to give my grandparents a facetime this evening, as they won’t have seen anyone in ages and they love a chat, I don’t do it enough”

”I spoke to my wife nicely. Does that count?”…guys, this should be a given!


We also wanted to include some from our social media followers!

“Showing my love for others”.

“Played Xbox with my son even though I can’t stand computer games. He was so happy”.

“I sent my friend a care package because I’m a bit worried about them. Hope it makes them smile”.


These are lovely, thank you for your contributions.

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